Welcome to M.A.S.K

the blog keep 'us' updated on 'us' life.we may be far at sight but we are always close at heart.May Allah bless our friendship, till the end of time.

Saturday, April 19

Kekasih Awal dan Akhir

on friday 11th Apr, i surprised rafik for a concert as an annvrsary gift. kinda belated but the thot that counts kan. he was talking to me last month bout his frustration having to be missed Jamal's performance at Istana Budaya. n guess he's fortunate that Jamal again performed in a charity concert for Pengasih titled "Konsert Kasih Jamal n Saleem" on 11-13th April. so, without much thot, i knew that would be the best gift for him for our 10th annvrsary.
we're lucky that tho i bought the cheapest rate ticket but on its opening day, we are free to choose our seats. so apalagi we sat at the centre of the Plenary Hall, KLCC and got the best view thruout the show. to add to it, our mantan PM was there too wth his wife. tak sangka u, he likes Jamal too.
and i got to salute both of them, saleem n jamal for their powerful voices. huh!...dgr lagu2 derang ala2 hot masa zaman kita mudo2 dulu...meremang bulu roma beb. nostalgic!they invited blues gang, misha and ahmad nawab as their guest singers. all in all..i conclude we enjoyed the night ;) (dah lama rasa tak kuar mlm2...heheh..smpi rumah pkl 130pg beb!!. esoknye kene sound ngan mak aku...HAHHAHAHHAH)
njoy the pics yg agak kelam kabur ni!! maklumla...kamera dah kene cilok so just make use of the phone-cam jek la...*sigh...


Anonymous said...

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anissa3105 said...

Oooh...so romantic. Going out on a date, watching a live concert to celebrate wedding anniversary..balik pagi...dan kene sound..hehe. Susahnya nak keluar datekan? Aku ni byk kali rasa nak keluar je berdua tgalkan anak2 dgn nenek n atuknya tp rasa guilty plk. Especially guilty dgn parents coz terpaksa jg anak2 aku yg akan menangis nak ibunya bila nk tido. So....mcmana nk klr dating mlm2??? U tell me...

Nurin Faqihah said...

well...kalau takat anak2 kau masih kecik nis...maafla.kene simpan niat until anak2 at least dah 4thn.hehehh.. kalau nak kuar jugak..make sure they sleep b4 u guys go out.so u can stil catch the midnite movie maa.... ;) skali skala kuar berdua ni best jugek!