Welcome to M.A.S.K

the blog keep 'us' updated on 'us' life.we may be far at sight but we are always close at heart.May Allah bless our friendship, till the end of time.

Tuesday, January 30

KK9ers Softball....mengimbau memori...

Hey Gals...

Last sunday 28 Jan...kami anak beranak followed pik for softball friendly match kat UPM.actually pik & shid was playing for KKCR...sbb x-kkcr softball team tak cukup org. depa buat match dgn x-ktp. resultnye xkkcr kalah dgn 1 mata (2-3). the kids really enjoyed themselves berguling n berlari atas padang and menjerit2 everytime abah was running towards safe base. most of the team members dah jadi heavy-better. nak abiskan sampai ke home pun dah termengah2...hahahha...mmg gelak jekla...looking at them catching for breathe....but they were cool. there was mabuk, bear(well..dia ni tak main...tgk jek), aji, jalud (the pitcher), and few other guys which i pun tak kenal. some of them brought along their family so the kids mix with their kids...siap main bola lagi and bergelak tawa. twins yang dah masuk minggu ke-2 without pampers...aku rasa adalah dlm 5-6 kali berulang alik toilet KK2 tu. and they actually bukan nak membuang pun..but they enjoyed the climbing and running down the tiny hill menuju ke padang tu!...mamanye la yang letih kehulu kehilir.

anyway....aku teringt masa zaman kita bersorak and we never missed to watch kalau ada softball match.to me , masa tu nak tgk 'balak' aku la kan...hehheh...teruja beb! and aku ingt lagi kalau ada match ngan ktp...there was this long-haired girl yang mulut dia celupar mcm siol...dok panggil balak aku cicak kubing everytime he has to bet...siol! but those were the times...the most memorable years we had in upm which i treasure....still...and alhamdulillah...till now we r still together. lov u all girls!!!

Tuesday, January 23

Happy BESDAY Mummie

Happy Birthday Mummie!!! 19 Jan 2007

On 21 Jan, we decided to do a surprise bday cakecutting at jija's house. we arrived around 5pm and jija had already fried macaroni in her big Kuali. we told her to stay home coz kununnye si mak buyong mengidam nak makan ikan bakar di muara...and we wanted to stop by her house to meleypaque2. well..biasala...yang tukang karut nye aku la kan...who else...!!! kinda sad sbb anis couldnt make it , had some errands to run. tapi takpala...no hal. we proceeded with the plan. alhamdulillah e'thing went well tho jija caught me masa tgh membuka kek n was about to put it on the table. arghhh...mate!! mmg tak pandai nak tahan jija dok dlm kitchen!. anyway...jija didnt get to blow the candles..as usual la..anak2 aku ngan anak2 cher semua mengaku bday depa that day!..
but it sure was fun to get together. we really hope that anis could make it the next time we plan to gather. ye anis ye....:)

to Jija...thank you for having US...we Love U.. 'A year Older, A year Wiser'
