Zakhwan's school (sek Agama Kafa al-Huda) was selected among other 11 schools to participate in Kuiz Adik Comel which will start to be on air in June 08 at Astro Oasis chanel (ch 106).and z was lucky that he was in the list of participants for his school.the kuiz is about Islamic n Arabic subject. after 2 classes of tuition wth the school as preparation for the quiz day, on the 12th April, the shooting starts at Finas Studio A,Jln Ampang. we sent z to the school where the Finas pick-up van was waiting to bring the kids to the studio. their shot was scheduled at 3pm but they had to bring the kids to the studio earlier (1130am)basically to familiarize the kids wth the studio env, shooting briefing etc. at 430pm, we fetched z from Finas n were made to understand that his school didnt make it thru for the final. their marks were only 85 and only 3 schools with highest marks will b chosen for the final. so, z only brought home finas goody bag wth a free ticket to aquaria. Ok la tuh kan..n he said he had fun n the food was good ;). so out for z's appearance on the 6th episode of Kuiz Adik Comel !!!
Bravo Z. Lepas ni mesti ramai makwe nak berkenalan. A good experience for you.
Congrats Z! We r proud of u & yr school!!!
Thank U aunties... :)
taking this opportunity to wish ALYANA a HAPPY 1st BURSTDAY today DARLING...mmmuahhhhhhh
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