Welcome to M.A.S.K

the blog keep 'us' updated on 'us' life.we may be far at sight but we are always close at heart.May Allah bless our friendship, till the end of time.

Wednesday, December 26

sleeping beauties

they just got to touch each other, musti mcm ni gak masa dlm womb dulu ek

"my sleeping beauties"

surely glad that my twins finally sleep with kakak in the girl's room. it's been 5 days now! i didnt know how it started but i guess they must have been excited with the school thingy spirit, plus having the thot that they r big girls now n can sleep on their own. nadhirah still cries for milk in the middle of the night and by 6am u can feel her quietly crawling on our bed and sleep at the tip of our toes..hahah...adik la katakan. as for nadiah, i got to salute her. never cried so far and she sleeps soundly next to kakak. :)
congrats twins! u're abahmama big girls now...
i m now preparing mentally n physically for their first day at the pre-school next week.
lets vote..who will cry more...nadiah or nadhirah???? start ur vote now frens..hahahhahahah


anissa3105 said...

Congrats twins! Amboiiii...mama happy betol. Faham la tu. Senang la nak projek lepas ni tanpa gangguan si kecil. Hehe... Bole la tambah ahli keluarga.

I vote that they won't cry on the 1st day bcoz they have each other.

Anonymous said...

hahahahha....kau jln dulula. u kene ckpkan kuota 5 org kan.lgpun u kene dpt anthr gal for najwa.

Anonymous said...

ye la mate. kene ade hubby wifey time. kang sakit kepala sepanjang minggu..sapa nak ubat. kalau orang lain yang ubatkan..kang..meraung iju...WUAHAHAHAHAHHA!

Anonymous said...

tadi dah tulis ...baik punya tapi ada error lak! so i dah merajuk!! CIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1