Welcome to M.A.S.K

the blog keep 'us' updated on 'us' life.we may be far at sight but we are always close at heart.May Allah bless our friendship, till the end of time.

Wednesday, December 19

Nashwan's Aqiqah & Cukur Jambul Ceremony

Alhamdulillah, Nashwan's aqiqah and cukur jambul ceremony was successfully held on 15th December 2007. The ceremony started at 11am with marhaban, berzanji and followed by cukur jambul. Nashwan was crying throughout the cukur jambul event because he wanted to sleep. He fell asleep immediately after the event. Mummie and Geboard's family were the only friends who could attend the ceremony. Thank you for coming. The rest had their own commitment. Maybe they can come next time for my 4th kid...insya Allah. When everybody had left, Nasa started to cut Nashwan's hair short before shaving it. He had to complete the task that night because he had to leave early to KLIA the next morning. Luckily, Nashwan was a good boy throughout the process. Now, he is bald but looks even cuter. My handsome boy. Ibu, ayah, abang Nafis and kakak Najwa love you.


jija72 said...

loved the food u served mate. geboard and mazni had second rounds. i had a few rounds of desserts. bila lagi nak anak ke-empat ni. tak sabar nak pi aqiqah lagi..hehehe. tunggu aku punye aje la..hahahaha (big laugh!)

Anonymous said...

oh yes..so i heard the food was delicious esp ada smbl tempoyak!regret to miss the event,tapi apakan dayaku!nashwan ni betoi2 muka najwa la...cute bald baby boy!:)

Anonymous said...

Heard abt the good food too!! When it comes to food, it definitely was a great miss-it for me.
Nway congrats to handsome bby Nashwan. Am waiting for more cukur jambuls & aqiqahs, comemon MA*K beranak some more plizzz...

: Cher