After a week of taking the 3rd type of antibiotics, bby Alyana's ear was still oozing with pus. Ear drop was also given but unfortunately it doesn't seem to kill the virus in her middle ear. So i took half day's leave to bring her again to see the paeditrician at Dsara Specialist Hosp. I was the first walk-in patient arriving at 8am but only got to see doc at 9.40am. Bby's second bottle of milk was almost finish by then. Due to prolong ear infection, doc decided tht she has to be treated immediately ...... and so he declared ADMISSION!!! I wasn't prepared for a stay at the ward at all. I was thinking ...... this is Ramadhan, my older kids r fasting, sahur? & my cookies project!!!!! I thought for a while and then decided to accept wht has been fated..... Told myself tht i'll settle my baby's health first then proceed wt my baking.
So am supposed to be sleeping in the hospital tonite BUT am not there coz....firstly at 12pm, there was no room ( i was so happy to hear abt it but doc still insisted on a room for me!!), secondly, at 1pm (was at home baking while bby was sleeping) thy called to say tht there's a room for me but a patient is still there, thirdly at 3pm ( was at the hosp with the ENT) i was told the room has not been made up yet!! So i left the hosp wt the promise tht i'll check-in once thy call to tell me tht the room is ready. Hosp called me at 8.38pm but i missed the call!!!! At tht time i made my decision to come in tomorow right after i send the kids to school. So i'll see wht doc has to say to me tomorrow.....
I was told by the ENT tht the 2nd floor is under renovation so tht is why there is a shortage of rooms. While i was waiting, i heard so many others wanting to get rooms but was told thy were full. At tht time i many sicky in Ramadhan. Tht is why bby had her IV inserted at the emergency room. Doc is now giving her a stronger antibiotics tht has to be injected daily & also the ENT will need to clean her middle ear of pus daily. Of course bby cried whn IV was inserted but doc commented tht this bby is very strong!!!! First insertion on the right hand failed! Doc did again on her left hand successfully. Aft tht bby seems fine. So gals, pls pray so that baby Alyana will recover frm her ear infection ths time.
She was with me whn i went to the taska to collect the kids school bags and all the kakaks who took care of her kissed & hugged her wt pitiness. Even tok mami felt pity for her this time. It is indeed a pity sight looking at her hand like tht and almost everyone who saw her at the hosp as well as at the condo just had to ask WHAT HAPPENED. This is my FIRST experience relating to ear infection as well as child admission to the hosp.
kesian baby alyana. it's always so heart wrenching to see babies get sick. they are so helpless and need so much attention. i pray for a fast recovery to alyana. hope that she gets well and stay so adorable always.. muahhs from auntie jija.
TQ auntie jija for yr wish. i hope i recover soonest....
:cher on behalf of alyana
ala siannye baby tomato aunty zukid..takpa mate, i believe doc will do their best to make sure alyana recover and alyana is a strong baby..mcm mamanye. by the way, u sendiri ok mate? byk2 kan bersabar ok mate. i'allah...ething will b fine.
Alhamdulillah after 1st dose of antibiotics, no pus came out of Alyana's ears. But we are still on home leave ie. daytime at hosp bed while night time at home bed till tomorrow. ENT had a look at her ears and was satisfied tht the bacteria has cleared off. Hopefully by tomorrow the IV will be taken out of Alyana's small cute hand. BTW she has learned to turn sideways on her own today.
alhamdulillah.glad to hear the good news. lepas ni moga2 tak kena lagi. apa punca sebenarnye? pandainye alyana! (clap clap clap), bila nak merangkak? :P
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