Welcome to M.A.S.K

the blog keep 'us' updated on 'us' life.we may be far at sight but we are always close at heart.May Allah bless our friendship, till the end of time.

Monday, September 24

Discharge from DSH

Alhamdulillah after 4 long days, Alyana is finally discharged from DSH. The pus from hear ears stopped coming out right after the 1st jab of antibiotics given to her. Today she had her 5th dose of antibiotics thru IV, the most painful.... From tomorrow onwards she will be taking oral antibiotics & followed by check-ups with dr. musa (paeditrician) and dr. awal (ent) on the 1st Oct. Because of the "home leave" option given to us, the mosquitoes at home just couldn't resist biting Alyana all over her face. Note the red spots on her cheeks. All in all it costs us RM33xx.xx. 80% paid by Bank and 20% will be deducted thru my salary....muahahahha......

I like to thanks MASK for their "doa" and well wishers. Syukur Alhamdulillah.........

Friday, September 21

Al-Fatihah buat Nurin Jazlin Jazimin

Salam to all
am truly disturbed, deeply sad and broke into tears when tv3 news showed the funeral of adik nurin jazlin. marilah kita sama2 sedekahkan yasin dan al-fatihah buat adik nurin. sememangnya syurga buat mu adik nurin.

her uncle setup a blog for her. http://nurinjazlin.blogspot.com


Thursday, September 20

Admission to DSH

After a week of taking the 3rd type of antibiotics, bby Alyana's ear was still oozing with pus. Ear drop was also given but unfortunately it doesn't seem to kill the virus in her middle ear. So i took half day's leave to bring her again to see the paeditrician at Dsara Specialist Hosp. I was the first walk-in patient arriving at 8am but only got to see doc at 9.40am. Bby's second bottle of milk was almost finish by then. Due to prolong ear infection, doc decided tht she has to be treated immediately ...... and so he declared ADMISSION!!! I wasn't prepared for a stay at the ward at all. I was thinking ...... this is Ramadhan, my older kids r fasting, sahur? & my cookies project!!!!! I thought for a while and then decided to accept wht has been fated..... Told myself tht i'll settle my baby's health first then proceed wt my baking.

So am supposed to be sleeping in the hospital tonite BUT am not there coz....firstly at 12pm, there was no room ( i was so happy to hear abt it but doc still insisted on a room for me!!), secondly, at 1pm (was at home baking while bby was sleeping) thy called to say tht there's a room for me but a patient is still there, thirdly at 3pm ( was at the hosp with the ENT) i was told the room has not been made up yet!! So i left the hosp wt the promise tht i'll check-in once thy call to tell me tht the room is ready. Hosp called me at 8.38pm but i missed the call!!!! At tht time i made my decision to come in tomorow right after i send the kids to school. So i'll see wht doc has to say to me tomorrow.....

I was told by the ENT tht the 2nd floor is under renovation so tht is why there is a shortage of rooms. While i was waiting, i heard so many others wanting to get rooms but was told thy were full. At tht time i thought....wow...so many sicky in Ramadhan. Tht is why bby had her IV inserted at the emergency room. Doc is now giving her a stronger antibiotics tht has to be injected daily & also the ENT will need to clean her middle ear of pus daily. Of course bby cried whn IV was inserted but doc commented tht this bby is very strong!!!! First insertion on the right hand failed! Doc did again on her left hand successfully. Aft tht bby seems fine. So gals, pls pray so that baby Alyana will recover frm her ear infection ths time.

She was with me whn i went to the taska to collect the kids school bags and all the kakaks who took care of her kissed & hugged her wt pitiness. Even tok mami felt pity for her this time. It is indeed a pity sight looking at her hand like tht and almost everyone who saw her at the hosp as well as at the condo just had to ask WHAT HAPPENED. This is my FIRST experience relating to ear infection as well as child admission to the hosp.

Dugaan Ramadhan

Mak: "Ju , arini kene amik budak2, kete ayah rosak"
Ju: " Ok mak" (walau dalam hati agak berat..ada meeting jam 12..sempat ke...lagipun..bulan puasa rehat tinggal 1/2 jam jek...smlm dah amik derang..smpi ofis lambat..kene ganti waktu yg lambat tu...aduh...dilemma)

1230pm (masih dalam meeting)
Ju: "Mak, kete ayah dah ok?" (sambil doa dalam hati semuanye ok)
Mak: "Ayah belom balik dari bengkel, belom siap gaknye. Ju amik anak2 tau"
Ju: " Ok mak" (terpaksa mintak excuse dr meeting "ada hal"....dgn muka tebal)

Sampai kawasn sekolah anak2ku...hish...kenapa jam ni!!...

kete masih tak bergerak!...hatiku dah panas dgn cuaca yang betul2 mencabar nafsu amarahku dan teringt muka anak2 dengan peluh mengalir di pipi...musti anak2 marah sbb lambat,,depa dahla posa.
apalah yang dah jadik ni? kenapa jam terok ni??ada budak kene langgar ke? ada accident ke? ada kete rosak ke? ada parent yg berenti tgh2 jalan amik anak and tak pedulik org lain ke?

barula kereta bergerak dan rupa2nye ada satu mamat tongok, cinabeng, berenti kete (kete besor!) dia di bahu jalan tunggu anak tanpa pedulikan bas yang tak lepas to move ...!#@$%%#^&&**(*&^^%$##

smpi betul2 depan gate sekolah, periksa dalm kabin guard, anak2 aku dah takda. tanya pak guard..."anak2 saya dah balik ke?" ..."saya tak nmpk anak2 awak arini",jwb si pak guard.
"Ya, Allah..mana derang nih"...(fikiran ku kacau n tak keruan..dah pikir yg bukan2 dan dadaku bergerak kencang)
Ju: "Mak bebudak dah balik?"
Mak: "belom"
Ju: "laa..diorg mana?.kat sekolah dah takda. Ayah mana?"
Mak: " pun tak balik lagi ni hah!."
Ju: "ok mak..ju tunggu jek sini dulu. kalau Ayah balik tipon cepat2"

Ju:"Mak..bebudak ada? Ayah dah balik?"
Mak: " ha..ni baru sampai. Ayah amik rupanye..ish bapak ko ni pun satu tau, bukan nak tipon ke apa"
Ju: "alhamdulillah..."
(perasaanku masa tu nak marah betol dengan semua yang terjadi. nak marah mak, nak marah ayah, nak marah diri sendiri sbb htr anak sklh yg kalau naik bas cume boleh smpi rumah pukul 215!mana nak smpt g sklh ugama pulak %$$%%%@#$$^^^&&**!&^%#@@)
...tau tak org susah2 kuar ofs, nak kejar masa, jalan jam, kete bangang berenti tepi jalan, mamat tongong!, nak kejar balik ofs pulak!!!!! ..Ya Allah)

ku istighfar byk2...mungkin ini dugaan Allah padaku pada ramadhan ke-8...kuterima dan redha.....


Sunday, September 16

I want to bake Cookie too!!

Tday is my third day of baking & i decided to do some biscuits for my London Almond orders . A big difference on baking this year as i now have a baby who wants to help out as well. Went to Iju's hse in the afternoon tday as we both went to visit Husna who just delivered a bby boy .. Rifki (correction Rifqy)who has been mistakenly called by the own father as Rafik!! Too bad none of us brought our digital camera. So Alyana who is 4mths & 2wks hv excitedly decided to pose for this posting. TQ matey for the use of the mattress, kain lampin & some hot water for her milk. Thanks to Qiha too who is not fasting tday as her mama didn't wake up for the family members to hv their sahur!! Alisya couldn't control herself & decided to break her fast for the day! But Zakhwan has decided to cnue fasting. Bravo Z! Alhamdulillah Azalea managed to complete her fasting tday despite making noise over the urge of quenching her thirst. From Iju's place, we dropped by Ibu's place and reached home at 5pm. Managed to prepare some simple dishes for berbuka & then proceeded wt baking. Oh ya... also a most recent pic of Saby who LOVES babies!

Friday, September 14

Cookie Monster said ... I want cookie!!

Alhamdulillah i manage to start my first batch of baking today with the help of Azalea & Alisya. I wanted to warm up after almost a year of non-baking. My honourable assistant will only check in for work next Friday. So meanwhile the help of my 2 elder girls proved to be of great goodness especially with a baby seeking mama's attention. Oops...i hear the sound of oven alarm clock meaning another tray is ready for packing.

Wednesday, September 12


hey gals...updating some activites of last week. wasnt able to post earlier due to work commitments (chewah...yo yo ooo je) plus not being able to be cyber-connected both at work n office.

2 sept 2007 - piercy piercy
qihah did ear-piercing that sunday evening. it wasnt planned at all ... when i saw the stall with the signage "tindik telinga RM10"..terus tergerak hati nak do it for her. se didnt rejected and willingly sat on the chair for the piercing. the first shot...OMG..she cried like nobody business..and i had to calm and held her tight in my arms. sambil jerit sakit she said she doesnt wanna continue..elemek!! takkan pierce sblh jek kan..kenelah mama pujuk bagai nak rak..baru she calmed down and ready for the 2nd one. alhamdulillah..so..anak dara aku dah bertindik telinga...so sweet :)

6 sept 2007 - happy bday hubby!
1600hrs:checked in & prepared room & bathtub ala2 spa ;)
1730hrs:he came and ..tadaaa..the shock and stunt look plus the blushing smile on his face(which i will never forget) while observing the room and bathroom setup
1800hrs:toast of bday wish and bday gift presentation
2000hrs:dinner at .Victoria.Station. (great food!)
2200hrs:bedtime...lov lov lov

7 sept 2007 - celebration with the kids!
yeap..abah is now 35. may Allah gives him good life, good health and be blessed always. and may he always be there for his kids, watching them grow and guiding them thru life...amin
12 sept 2007 - new born baby!
Husna Suraya a.k.a Una has safely given birth to a baby boy at 119am weighing 2.95kg. Una is my ex-ofsmate ..mate kenal kan mate kan...

{Salam Ramadhan buat semua muslimin dan muslimat. Bulan penuh keberkatan, moga kita semua dapat memperbanyakkan amalan dan dilimpahi keberkatan dariNya.}


Wednesday, September 5

Pulau Pemanggil..memanggil manggil..

Hi gals. This is my first entry since our blog launched last year. I'm finally getting the hang of this whole blogging thing. Ok. As promised, the second part of the adventure trip will be covered by me. So, here goes. Reminiscing on the trip, i have come to realize the true value of friendship. It was an exhausting yet a novel experience for me going on this trip. I was looking forward to snorkelling and island hopping and so many more activities that the whole package came with.

The first day on the island, we got a little adventurous in scouting for the perfect place to swim. So, we climbed a few rocks and strolled along wooden planks to get to our so called paradise...true enough..we found it. The water is greeny blue...plenty of sand..great scenery. Getting there was a true test of my fitness and I think everyone knows how fit I am la kan. The second day was unexpected. We went to the other side of the island via speed boat to snorkel. Cher and I snorkelled toward a group of youngsters a feet away from where we were. As the bottom of the sea seemed deeper, the corals glittered...and that fascinated both of us. We were pointing at corals and multicolored small fishes..both too eager to see more...and none realizing how far we had gone off from the beach. And when we did, that was when I was overwhelmed with panic. We tried to swim back. It didn't seem like we were moving. I was desperate..swallowed too much salt water...gasping for air. I alerted Cher. Told her that it was hard for me to breathe. If we didn't have our life jackets on, I think I'd have drowned. Cher urged me to go on.. giving my leg a push. She gave me no excuse to give up...encouraging me to go on and pushing me towards the beach. I had hoped so much at that moment that this was the day I would look back upon and reminisce..and I am glad that it is. I know Allah determines our fate..but I had an angel swimming right beside me that day. When we reached the shore, we got word that we had to walk to another side of the island because the boat could not dock at the beach. So we walked up and down the hills..which seemed like mountains.. my chest felt like it could actually burst. But I amazed myself. Masih tak serik tu, we snorkelled some more.
That nite proved to be one of the most painful nites in all my life. I vomitted dinner..didn't touch the barbeque..on top of that.. my body felt like a worn out piece of junk. The whole of my body ached. My arms felt like they could have fallen off at any time. Cher was again my saviour. She kneaded my aching muscles for at least a good half hour. I fell sound asleep..feeling very refreshed and alive the next morning. The rest is history.
I had a great time. Something I will treasure and look back with a big smile. Not all trips can be a great one. What's important in any trip is the company ... the people you are surrounded by. It makes all the difference.
To you my dearest Shariffah...I am indebted to you. Thank you for saving my life.

Monday, September 3

Merdeka weekend at Pulau Pemanggil, Mersing

On 30th Aug recently, me & Jija including Azalea & Alisya went on a "back to nature" trip to Pulau Pemanggil, Mersing, Johor. Our first impression of the trip was a simple getaway from the hustle bustle of the city and to experience snorkelling for the first time. True enough we had our first experience of snorkelling but we were definitely caught offguard of the strong current and where it could bring us. I'd like to pass the honour of sharing & blogging our experience at sea to Jija. However the trophy of excellency, courage, determination, strong-will & high-spirit will have to go to Jija who has proven to be so! No words could describe how proud i am to see Jija going thru each day at the island by taking part in all the activities & walking up & down the steep staircases of the resort. It was indeed a test of endurance and Jija passed it with flying colours. Congratulations dear......

The invitation of a 3 days 2 nites package at RM300 per adult & RM218 per child came from GG of MNIOneline. The resort belongs to one of her colleogue's husband. Since Nazri couldn't join us as 7-11 will be hoarded with millions of M'sians celebrating Merdeka & he had to be around, i've decided to leave Alyana to the care of her Ibu & Ayah. As we took our first ferry ride of one & a half hours thru the rough sea, i was thankful i made the right decision of leaving Alyana behind. We finally reached Lanting Beach Resort and as i climbed the first few steep steps of it, again i was thankful i made the decision to leave the bby behind. A resort was magnificently built thru the natural forests & mountains. Food was served buffet style with abundance. Snorkeling gears including life jackets were rented at RM15 for 3 days. All sorts of room sizes were available with & without attached bathroom. Antiques exhibits surrounded the whole resort. So called 7-11 was there too. After dinner, the dining hall changes into a karaoke lounge with people playing games of carroms & congkaks anywhere they like. A small tv was there too for people like me who doesn't karaoke. Table tennis was just outside of GG's family room of 8 beds. Mine & Jija's secluded LH5 room with no bathroom was turned into a chimney pot for those in need.

For Jija who wanted an even tone on her face got her wish but on a darker side. For myself who wanted a tan, i got it too but on a redder side. Our island hopping turned out to be hopping by speed boat to the first island & hopping on feet to the next island & the next island and finally back to the resort by a big boat. After swimming against the waves to get back to the shore with strikes of panicky & "semput", swallowing of salt water thru the mouth & nose unwantingly, our second day at the island was the most adventurous of all. Bio langsing lotion together with minyak gamat & panadols & ponstans after vomiting with peaceful nite sleep brought Jija back to life!!!! Finally syukur Alhamdulillah we made it thru together successfully & ALIVE.