MASK originated from UPM in the year 1990. A group of individuals by the name of Mummie, Anis, Sherry and Kid. MASK developed pure friendship and grew to be the best of friends till to-date. From individuals, now they have extended the friendship to their next generation ...the MASK FAMILY....
Welcome to M.A.S.K
the blog keep 'us' updated on 'us' life.we may be far at sight but we are always close at heart.May Allah bless our friendship, till the end of time.
Wednesday, July 7
saja je...
'Saja Je' cher to me this morning, attaching twins pic. rasanye masa ni cher came to the house with mummie and masa ni twins dlm 6 months kot. alahai....comeinye...n debab . la ni twins dah 6 yrs n makin mengurus. thanks mate for the pic...
1 comment:
Nana kata.....comeinyaa...
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