Welcome to M.A.S.K

the blog keep 'us' updated on 'us' life.we may be far at sight but we are always close at heart.May Allah bless our friendship, till the end of time.

Wednesday, June 16

MKC 7th Bday!

pic 5: aft the party...semua lapa
pic 4: yay! dpt hadiah
pic 3: ni game apa plak ni?
pic 2: twins buat hand-painting jek ler
pic 1: sblm masuk party kene scan for fever dulu!
hey olls..
on 12 June '10, Faqihah n Zakhwan attended the MPH Kids Club 7th Bday party. held in Subang Parade Mall from 2pm - 5pm. loads of activities had been lined up for the kids n the best partnye each activity ada hadiah. they were very lucky coz their group 'yellow group' won most of 'em. so by the time we picked them up, smpi tak cukup tangan nak bwk hadiah ..hahah... mmg rezeki derang. siap dapat beg sekolah lagi. so... we thank MPH n MKC for the invi , plus all the sponsors yg baik hati menaja begitu byk hadiah....z n q had so much fun n told us..tahun depan nak attend lagi bday party MKC. well kiddos...i'allah..kalau ada rezeki..kita dtg lagi tahun depan yeh!


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