Welcome to M.A.S.K

the blog keep 'us' updated on 'us' life.we may be far at sight but we are always close at heart.May Allah bless our friendship, till the end of time.

Thursday, March 13

Cubalah Untuk Setia...

8 Mar 2008 Yes, ..on the day Malaysians performed their duty as voters for 2008 national election, it's the day that we celebrated our 10th year of marriage. Syukur alhamdulillah both me and rafik, we have made it this far and we hope to make it for the next 10 and so on. we've gone thru a lot together, the good n bad times n i pray to Allah to not stop giving us His Love, Mercy and Guidance in surviving His tests and challenges in our life. Thanks to all my friends for your support and love.. For.., us alone, we may not see the hidden answers we're searching for. Syukur alhamdullillah, we were blessed with our 4 beautiful kids and its for them that we continue living and facing the ever challenging world which is only temporary and the eternity is what we should prepare and be ready for.

"if you give 100% of your LOVE to another human being, never expect for 100% of your LOVE returned. BUT if you give 100% of your LOVE to Allah the Almighty, it's guaranteed that Allah will give you more than what you have given Him"

~Happy 10th Anniversary Husband~



anissa3105 said...

Happy 10th anniversary Kid and Pik. Aku baru nk sms kau utk confirmkan date tu coz aku igt yg date nikah ko n aku sama 8hb. Cuma bulan je yg lain. So, celebrate kat YP ke? In another 2 months Nasa and I will be celebrating our 10th anniversary also and then followed by Cher and Abang Nazri. Brp hb Cher? It's good that we got married in the same year. Masing2 blh ingat-mengingat kot2 ada yg terlupa kira.

Nurin Faqihah said...

thanks AnIs!
yeap thn ni kita semua sedekad dah kawen yek. alhamdulillah!.

newrin said...

wahhh happy 10th anniversary..may Allah bless your family wth more joys n happiness...

Nurin Faqihah said...

thanks nurin!
*ju aka kid*

Nurin Faqihah said...

Congratulations to the both of u. How can i not forget when it coincides wt the 12th General Election & also Samy Vellu's bday.
Insyallah dgn izin Allah yg maha kuasa, maka berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat...amin.


Nurin Faqihah said...

oh matey...do u really have to mention abg samy's bday here...!!!
anyway..thanks for ur doa matey.

Nurin Faqihah said...

Well it also marks the downfall of abg Samy's empire .... & a shock to BN's victory!

: Cher