Welcome to M.A.S.K

the blog keep 'us' updated on 'us' life.we may be far at sight but we are always close at heart.May Allah bless our friendship, till the end of time.

Monday, January 28

and now the son

now Rafik has influenced Z into golf plak. actually he bought the club for Z 2 years ago but only recently Z shows interest. so yesterday we all went to the driving range at Pandan Indah. Pik coached him n wallah tak smpi berapa minit Z dah buleh hit the ball correctly. he was sooo excited bout the whole thing. me n twins just watched from our table whilst nurin's duty to arrange the golf ball on the golf mat. sian kakak but she was complaining from the start that she' bored..so abah lets her do the job n she seems to enjoy it for a while lah!. i did ask her to try hitting the ball but she said "i DOnt like Golf!," ngan muka yg buhsan tu. duh! anak dara sorang tu...sometimes i dunno whats in her mind. she cant seems to like anything (except to be in front of the tv watching cartoons ALL DAY long !!!)..
we were at the range for about two hours. then we head to the playground coz twins wanted to go there. all of us enjoyed ourselves there except for Q. ntah apa punye mood dia smlm. she saw some kids with their fishing rod at the lake and so she wanted to go fishing plak. HIyak! mana la kami nak carik pancing masa tu kan. and so..she made the gloomy face and decided to just sit rather than go running around playing the swing or the slide. merajuk lagi. tak makan pujuk pulak tuh. but in the end maybe tired of just sitting down and kami dah tak kuasa nak pujuk..she took a walk on the reflexology path and tetiba mood terus cloud nine!...hahahha...funny girl she is! (p.s. kalau perasan dlm slide tu takda gambar dia sbb merajuk taknak amik gbr)



Anonymous said...

Wah tapi takde kokurikulum golf pulak.

Pancing ada kat kolam Kosas tuh. Bayar entah berapa ringgit. Angah la citer kiter tak gemar.

anissa3105 said...

Fuiyo!! Tiger Pik n Junior Tiger Z. Hehe...Caya la Z. Ada harapan jd pemain golf negara jika dipupuk sjk kecil. Investment tu Kid. Teruskan...

newrin said...

wahh ada blog gak erkk... will add u in my links as super mom... u mmg super mom pun with ur kids esp. the twins, sure hectic..tapi serious respect laaaa. i ni baru sorg dh pening

nway my abg haji mcm berminat nak berjinak2 dgn golf ni..wuhuuu

Anonymous said...

Its a healthy & wealthy sport! An early start to discover his potential is good. At least Z can accompany his abah for all his golf games all around the world and make mama be at peace all the time. Keep up d good swing Z.

Anonymous said...

rotidua: erkk..fishing, mcm tak sesuei jek ngan si nurin tu kan. nnt makin berkilat la kulit dok tgh panas tunggu ikan..hahhah
anis: betul tu..gud investment!tapi mama makan hati la, anak bujang ngan pak manjang dok ukur padang :p
newrin: thanks for including us in ur blog!satu dah pening kalau 2,3 mama musti slim down punye! maintain beb!
sherry:tak tau la matey oiii kotla hangat2 taik ayam jek si Z tu. semua bende dia nak main skrg, takewondonye, bola nye, bbasikalnye, golfnye..n not forgetting la ni aku tgk main psp pun..he played the golf games..OMG!!!