Welcome to M.A.S.K

the blog keep 'us' updated on 'us' life.we may be far at sight but we are always close at heart.May Allah bless our friendship, till the end of time.

Friday, April 20

Zakhwan's Bday Bash

Hey all ..sharing some pics of z's bday party held on 7th April. alhamdulillah the party went smoothly and most of z's frenz turned up both from his agama n sri bintang's school. anis n nafis made it to the party tho they missed the games n cake cutting event...however there are plenty of food still ..kan..kan

it wasnt easy when z's first requested for the party esp to Nurin.she was crying badly and was questioning y was she born in May and not April like Abang. phew!!!...tough huh!...susah betol as children grew they tend to ask questions which...at times..or most of the times...makes u think hundred of times to eventually give the best answer. anyway..we managed to consoled her..and of course..all these involved $$$..kene invest ler...had to take her to the movie "Mr Bean"..baru dia cool off and willing to chat bout abang's party..(kalau dak..sebut jek..dah meraung!!)...and oh yes...she demanded for her party this May...huh...gotta calculate the budget..Hey...things arent cheap nowadays OKay!...but...maybe we'll consider coz the twins never had any bday party since they were born. so...kinda cost-saving jugak...to us..but maybe not to the guests..heheh..kene bajet for 3 gifts...heheheh...tricky huH!

i'allah my mate will b coming tomorrow.(after my pingpong tournament..takda la terror main pun..but for FUN sake and to fill up my time rather than being at home with kiddies and no hubby..pik has gone to sabah...ahad baru balik...main golf..apa lagi kan!!!....)....jija cant make it due to her commitments ..takpa ja, maybe next time. anis had to balik meru and oh yes, tonite she n nasa will be going to istana budaya for DatukSiti's show...(do share us some pics ye!)
Thnks aunty anis, aunty sherry for the gift and aunty jija for the bday wish!
have A wonderful weekend gals!

Lov U all
(p.s. check out for more photos at http://360.yahoo.com/zuhairah72)

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