Welcome to M.A.S.K

the blog keep 'us' updated on 'us' life.we may be far at sight but we are always close at heart.May Allah bless our friendship, till the end of time.

Tuesday, March 20

M.A.S.K - March School Hols Get-Together

well...hrmmm..how do i start the blog huh!..maybe i'll just sum-up our first M.A.S.K (ladies n kids only!) activities for 1st Quarter Y2007.

Friday 16 Mar 07
10am-Meeting point at Ikea Damansara. i'm the 1st person to arrive with Z n Q (not becoz i LOV waking up early okkeehhh..(ooo how i wish i could wake up late on my off-day)..but i had to send pik to work to have our family bfast with him...since he had cancelled his movie-outing with the kids on thursday..duh!! and so...like my mate said.."roomateku tolong bukak pintu kedai ikea"..siol!..hahahha..
ok, the objectives@Ikea:
1. Kids
FUN@smaland- free entry for 1 hour
2. mommas shopping-time (ended up aku yg byk membeli...hehe..dah gantung dah u olls!!!...nnt i amik gbrnye ye..ahaks!)
3. chatting sambil makan MEATBALLS at d foodcourt. (sorry jija..all 3 of us got ur missed calls but none attended...hrmmm..must be too excited and obsessed with ikea thingy!!...)
AND yes...we achieved alrite our objectives at ikea.

130pm-Out of Ikea and straight to cher 's for the POOL fun!upon reaching her house, mateku dah bersilat menggoreng sayur and ikan pekasam (mmh sedap woooo!!). jija arrved around 230pm then we packed all the food for the pool. (best part...helped jija with her swimming outfit...ooo sexy ooo)...
we had our lunch there...sodap beb!
Anis - Ayam lemak cili api
Kid - Asam pedas ikan jenahak
Cher - Nasi putih, ikan pekasam, sayur bendi and drumet pedas.
Mummie - her tummy...(jgn mare jija...)
oh yes...swimming at the pool was soothing..and i can still visualize my mate in her swimsuit...SEXY and HOT!!! (berjln d gigi kolam mandi...perghhhh...tummy mateku cute!...:)
615pm-Out of cher's condo. KIDs was excited and happy, tak sudah2 bercerita dlm kete on the way home. and tetiba senyap.....semua tido...alhamdulillah...we have succeeded to occupied them with the activities for the school hols!
Thanks mate for having us tho u do look heavy and tired. thanks for the gift too..to both anis n sherry. (i mmg suka gathering2 ni...sokmo dpt hadiah..heheh) and to jija...tho u're tight up with ur courses n stuff but u managed to join us! Thanks to u too!!!!

Lov u OLLLS!!
p.s. had to load pics from the net...real pics...we wait for May-due, due-May (whichever lah) Mak Buyong...hehhhe


jija72 said...

well iju. it was a stress relieving moment for me. have been so stressed up these past few months. just needed some time off with friends. though it is also stress relieving just looking at adlina... (bila dia in good mood la..tapi bila dah besar sikit ni, memang keje dia senyum je). i thank you, anis and cher for making such efforts to cook delicious lauk pauk for my tummy. i enjoyed the swim in the pool. wished they had switched on the jacuzzi... sedap skit badan. talking about badan, kesian betul tengok cher. cam dah tak larat je. tapi tetap cun menggayakan swimming suit dia... ikhlas tau cher. u are more radiant bila dah berbadan dua ni..:-). glad you could join us mate. dah lama tak buat a foursome. must do it again soon. thanks gals for a great day off. i truly appreciate it.

Nurin Faqihah said...


it has always been FuN bila M.A.S.K fabulous FoUR bersama kan....maybe we ought to do it quarterly...ini baru intro for 2007. tapi kene tunggu 2 mak buyong meletop la...kalau nak outing jauh2 sikit. yg pasti ..in May and Aug, dah tau nak berkumpul rumah siapa...heheh..menjengok org bersalin lerrrrr...

Jija..please la....transfer ur blog from ur diary!!!!aku tak sbr nak baca cite2 jija from OUR blog!!!..uwaaa.......

Nurin Faqihah said...
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