Welcome to M.A.S.K

the blog keep 'us' updated on 'us' life.we may be far at sight but we are always close at heart.May Allah bless our friendship, till the end of time.

Tuesday, January 25

All are now in Primary!

twins d hari orientasi

3 Jan 2011
Abang std 6, Kakak std 5 and si kembar std 1.

An end to pre-school,,,yay!. so, baju2 pre-school dah selamat disedekahkan. Tak perlu nak simpan lagi sbb dah takda yang akan masuk pre-school. I did the list of things to do/buy since Nov '10 lagi and dah mula main kutu dr awal tahun. bajet sorang anak rm1K...well mama hanya top up mana yg tak cukup. major portion of coz dr abah la. hahhaha

bukan mudah dan senang nak sediakan sekali 4 budak punye persiapan sekolah. dr baju, buku,kasut, stokin, yuran sekolah, stationeries, tranportation smpi la ke purse n mangga loker pun nak kene senaraikan. (erk.. kene tambah jugak pencarian guru tusen n their fees, now that abang taking upsr ths year).. huh... mmg bertambah uban kat kepala ni pikir. kepala otak ni jugak yg berputar mcmana nak plan pukul brp nak bangun pagi, cara paling efektif nak kejut and siapkan anak2 esp si kembar tu, tmasuk jugakla diri sendiri yg kene bersiap ke ofs. almaklumla.. kita ni jugakla yg kene panaskan enjin kete n drv them to school. ( so,,,tambah tugas jadik time keeper sbb nak kene pastikan 650am.. dah klua dr rumah)

abang n kakak, alhamdulillah dah boleh manage diri sendiri. tak perlu la mama nak kene jengok sekali sekala dlm bilik air to make sure air dr shower tu hala jek ke badan tapi mata masih tertutup and badan tak bersabun. i had to force the twins to sleep at 930pm for the 1st day of school (la ni pukul 830pm, dah panjat katil n tido..mereka saangt letih).

550am kakak the first to shower followed by twins n lastly abang. Abang kita bagi chance kejut paling lambat sbb me foreseeing abang yg akan tido paling lmbt utk siapkan hwork nnt (n my instict was rite *wink)

and so.. for the first 2 weeks, mama kene ikut jalan gate belakang. expecting parents yg ada anak tahun 1 akan merasa ghairah pada awal2 tahun utk htr anak smpi ke dataran sekolah ( and most of them akan guna main entrance sbb its a shorter-distance walking to school area). so... ramai yg akan park kat tepi2 jalan sekolah which...eventually akan menambahkan sesak jalan yg dah mmg tersedia sesak. (*mama has to be on time jugak ke ofs ye..)

pity si kembar sbb sblm2 ni, abg n kkk dpt keistimewaan diturunkan dan dihtr via gate depan. i cant afford to do that sbb abg n kakak bila dah senior ni,,, dah demand utk smpi awal ke sekolah. 730pm turun kete utk masuk sek is no longer acceptable for them. *sigh.

so nadiahnadhirah, pagi2 lagi dah berpeluh leher (ketiak tak sure plak..tak check..hahah) sbb nak kene jln naik bukit ke sekolah. setakat ni tak smpi hati lagi nak just drop them and go. so i had to find a good parking n walk together with them while carrying their bags ( mama kene cukup berstamina utk mengangkat 2 beg smbl mendaki bukit.. i need to keep fit , people!!!..huahuahuah...). this year jugak, we managed to get a van to pick up the kids from school. kalau sblm2 ni..abg n kakak together wth najwanaim akan diambil oleh mama or aunty nina.. but for the twins, a non-relative aka abg kassim yg amik derang. sad..but guess these are the things that mums just have to shut their eyes n pray hard the childrens are in good hands. "Ya Allah, peliharalah dan lindungilah anak-anak ini dan jauhilah mereka dr kejahatan manusia dan syaitan, amin amin Ya Rabbal alamin".

malam... it is either sending-fetching abang for tuition class or sit wth the kids to make sure they do their hwork (sit tu tak bermakna dok sebelah n tolong..hahha.. hanya duduk ..tgk n kdg2 tertutup mata sbb ngantok. kah3x). lepas sumer siap, tuck 'em to bed n setakat ni mama lah yg kene siapkan buku2 twins ikut jadual. derang msh terkial2 lagi n mama blm cukup konfiden to let them do it on their own.

and so..thats the routine so far. weekend mmg kene spare time utk lelapkan mata di siang hari dan merehat2kan badan. (kene mula cari supplemen to stay energetic nih!!)



Lepak DP Pool

We sealed 2010 with a gathering at DP pool. no outing trip this year. we couldnt fix a suitable dates for everyone. and so we ended up having pot luck and leypaque2 kat PD pool. whenever there r kids involved, water is of essence..hihihih

Jija and kids were the first one to arrive and first to go too. tho it was a short meet-up but as always..we treasure every moments together.

thank you girls.. we are still good till 2010 and i hope it will remain the same for more years to come.



Dec 2010 - Trips and Treats

Its trips n treats time in Dec 2010.

24-26 Dec 2010. Christmas in PD. Pak Lah anak beranak bercuti d Permaisuri Resort PD. Everybody was there except for Amree n wife. A treat for the kids actually. We celebrated the PMR achievers, school leaver and the pre-school graduates ;) There were lotsa foods, indoor games, outdoor games, get wet at the pool n the beach. Good job to us all !!

5- 8 Dec 2010, we went to Medan. Rafik treat us all for this trip. Us family, ayah mak plus Siti. ahah!.. yeap..we had our maid with us. kinda token for her year-end. Medan was an exhaustive journey i must say. shopping in Medan..nah..tak sesuweii.. but yes..we enjoyed the scenery and sights tho. Lake toba, its small islands, also the famous Piso piso waterfall. but i must tell you, u require lots of patience having to sit in the van for 3-4 hours drive to these places. whatmore with the bad road condition. felt as if we're in a roller-coaster. however, we thanked our skillful driver. he's damn good manoeuvering the van. We spent one nite in Lake Toba and 2 nites in Medan.

I was glad that i got the chance to meet Maya, my UPM ex-coursemate. its been more than 10 years. she came wth her family to our hotel. we had a quick dinner wth them and thanks a lot Maya for the souvenir and time spent.
enjoy the pics people!

